Uplifting the Community...

Connecting and Advocating for the Youth through hair!


Having Aunties In Reach Inc, also known as H.A.I.R, is a community grassroots non-profit organization that benefits kids from Pre-K to 12 years old, as well as families and the community to build and improve self-esteem within a positive network of resources. Started in Raleigh, North Carolina in 2019, Having Aunties In Reach provides a commitment to all involved as it shares similar values of the traditional support system, which consists of community and love. Additionally, Having Aunties In Reach makes it possible to build, grow, and nurture generations to come, so they are productive citizens in our communities.

Having Aunties In Reach uses its talents of youth and community advocacy as a positive influence. H.A.I.R understands that it serves the vision of the leader to bring assistance in some way, shape, or form, to others. H.A.I.R has a primary focus of bridging the gap.


Help Us Help Others

As you support Having Aunties In Reach, you help advocate the following:

  • Involvement with family and business organizations
  • Community and business involvement through events, event sponsorships, and workshops for the community
  • Involvement with educational and higher learning institutions such as College and University Internship Programs
  • Public Relations and grass root marketing: H.A.I.R representatives are visible at events across its market on a regular basis, interacting face to face with the community
  • Provide opportunities, challenge our team, and engage and satisfy, with an endless amount of growth opportunities
  • Create excitement for spreading our culture to others we come in contact


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Donation Total: $5.00


Summer Meals

Having Aunties In Reach provides summer meals one day out of the summer to promote nutrition, and to stay connected with the welfare of the community. This will cover Raleigh and other areas in need. This surely resonates well with the youth, their families and our partners and sponsors.


Hygiene Care Bags

This program allows the H.A.I.R team the opportunity to be a blessing to those that receive these hygiene care bags, which will include the essential products required for those in need. 


Look and Learn Day Class

Having Aunties In Reach was established with a core goal of community, with education held at a high regard. Look and Learn Day class is the perfect summer activity to keep the minds of the youth turning in a positive direction. 


Back to School Event

H.A.I.R partners with the community, schools, and businesses to raise the stake for its annual back to school event, of which the resources are collectively provided to the youth. This equips the youth with supplies and free hair-dos, but most important they will feel a sense of love and support as they strive for their education.


Nail Painting and Mentor Session

This event opens up creativity and imagination, but allows H.A.I.R and its partners to positively advocate with the youth, challenging them to reach their success potential and how to be upstanding in all areas. Kids Sip and Paint will have a sense of family as it brings back the traditionally “family table” atmosphere, but while doing fun activities instead.


Pre-Teen Health Fair

Health is important and perhaps the most essential in life. Because of this, Having Aunties in Reach ensures health education to those that attend their Pre-Teen Health Fair. We have doctors that take out their time to care for the community.


Do you have a business or non-profit organization? We have some offers for you to receive visibility through our media partner, The City Insight.

If you require any of their services, mention “Having Aunties In Reach” so they know we sent you. Thanks!







Paint Party

We need you and your help

It’s impossible to help people without people helping others. We always need volunteers who love to help.


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